What we did
N.Skea Nutritional Therapist & Naturopath
Re-development of site to increase SEO and enhance traffic
Nicky wanted her site nskeahealth.co.uk upgraded so it would appear higher on browser searches such as google and bing.
After exploring Nicky’s old site, we suggested a re-design that was tailored with SEO in mind and easier for her customers to use. We ensured key words were used to highlight the services and the products.
A new client and patient portal was custom built so Nicky could easily contact interested parties and so the end user could keep a track of their appointments.
We also built a secure, online, in-depth questionnaire so Nicky could obtain a clear picture of her customers case history and help accordingly.
The shop was recreated using product photography taken by ThePurpleBook to create a high end look and feel.
A blog was also added to help with the sites online presence.